Final touches on "Rockin' the Park"
My co-performers, Dan Scot Parr and Christopher Aaron Moore have both been in touch today with last minute ideas and catching up. Also spoke to the Community Relations person at the local Barnes and Noble who may host a signing party after the gig--we can't sell our CDs on city property, according to our liasons with the Frisco Parks and Recreation Department...our sponsors.
I also sumbitted video material to the local WB channel for possible mention in a segment on Friday night. Crossing my fingers.
Last week, I spent a little money and had Chris (above), also my music-video director, cut a non-commercial commerical for the gig. We were able to get it aired on the local cable channel in town, which could hit 20,000 people. Since it's a free concert sponsored by the city, promotional opportunities abound. We've been included on a local arts website that gets 70,000 hits a month, and a local city coucilman's email that reaches 25,000. All good reasons to invest time and energy in entertaining your hometown for free, if you're willing to try to get the most out of the exposure.
My advice: Do free gigs, but don't just let them lie there. If it's for a charity, try to be part of the publicity and draw for the event. I've also found that there is a lot more momentum teaming up with other acts and colleagues than trying to be the only performer. The very fact that you've formed an alliance becomes a story in and of itself. It's also much more fun.